Google Marketing Live is the annual event where they announce new products and share the latest trends and insights. They drop hints about what is coming next and give us a glimpse at the future we can expect for Google Ads.
In 2022, there were a few interesting tidbits worth calling out. It wasn't the bombshell that we've seen in the past but certainly gave us some insight into what we can expect over the next 12 months.
Google Audiences for Connected TV
You'll soon be able to use affinity, in-market, and custom audiences to target users on streaming services such as Google, Peacock, and Hulu. This finally unlocks the targeting options we are used to on Display and YouTube ads. However, it's yet to be seen how they do this across shared screens where a family may be watching the same show or when multiple users are logged into the same device.
For now, this will only be available to advertisers using Google Display and Video 360.
AI Driven Advertising is The Future
Automated bidding, targeting, and ads were all over the place during the keynote and follow-up case studies. It's about time we all accept the fact that Google is digging their feet into the sand on this one.
Results Driven campaign optimization has been pushed on us all over the last two years with some advertisers seeing amazing results while others unfortunately wasted a lot of budget. The good news is that Google has spent a lot of time improving the AI, providing greater insights, and allowing advertisers a bit more control and freedom over how the system builds their ads.
Search and Conversion Lift Testing is Coming
Soon we'll all be able to quickly and easily run conversion lift, search lift, and market lift studies within Google Ads as well as Display and Video 360. This is a big feature for those running nationwide campaigns.
These testing options will now be built into the system, allowing you to test holdout markets for search and determine if your campaign is, for example, providing an incremental lift in conversions compared to a market where your ads are not shown.
Watch the rest of Google Marketing Live 2022 and follow along with us for any big updates.